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GROSS: So before we get to the math textbooks in Florida that you analyzed that were rejected, let's start with some background with the new Florida laws, the parental rights and education bill known by its critics as the 'Don't Say Gay' law. There's like a reference to LGBTQ issues. That's just like one part of what you can't do in the classroom.

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GOLDSTEIN: So it says that if you're in grades K through 3, you should not be talking about gender and sexuality issues at all as part of classroom instruction or discussion. And then for grades 4 through 12, it says that that discussion about those issues must be, quote, 'developmentally appropriate.' One of the most notable things about the law is how subjective that concept of developmentally appropriate is.

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You know, what one parent thinks is appropriate for a 13-year-old is not going to be what another parent thinks is appropriate or what the teacher might think is appropriate.

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